2009 Pictures
This is just for all of the pictures and posts that we will have for 2009. It may not look exatly the same because I have to upload each picture AGAIN! Next year there will JUST a year page with the newer pictures at the top.
In 2011 the 2009 page will go into the PHOTOS: Archives page. This way I will only have one year out on its own page at a time. I can do that simply by just moving it into another page.
My First Photostory (Thanksgiving!)

Some of my dolls decided to have a Thanksgiving feast. So Molly took charge of inviting people over. Molly, Emily, Chance, Julie, and Kit were all there. Chance started thinking that maybe they should have invited Jess too.
"Hey, do you guys think that it would be possible to have Jess over?" Chance asked.
"Well I don't see why not," Molly replied. "What do you guys think?"
"I think we could do that," Julie and Kit replied. Ok- so the girls called up Jess to see if she wanted to come over.

Jess came over; but appologized because she didn't feel as if she was wearing the right clothing but said that she was on her way to her Aunt's home. The girls assured her she was looking very cute that day though. They all talked as the food cooked.
Pretty soon Jess had to go. "Well I hope that you have a nice time at your Aunt's house," Molly exclaimed.
"I will," Jess replied.
"Tell her that we say hello," Chance told Jess.
As they all waved as she pulled out of the driveway with her mom they thought about how lucky they were. :)
Chicago Pictures
I have some from Navy Pier that I also posted of my mom and me in front of these mirrors that do crazy things. We went there on Sunday before we had to meet our plane. :)
Our School Photos!
I am going to start with what I did most recently and work my self back over the course of the next few weekends!
Here are the photos from what I did with my school book from American Girl. I went to a Michaels American Girl workshop yesterday and I also got 3D Crafts; the Doll School book; and Button craft book!
I made the room from 2
I originally started with photocopying a bunch of stuff from the kit; and then I put stuff up onto a trifolding poster board. Then I was looking around for another one for another wall. I was only able to find Rachel and Jade-Lynne's bedroom. I used the back of it. Today we got another poster board though.
We are using clipboards ontop of basket type things and then we figure we could use them for other things.
OK; here are some photos
Vacation 2009 Video 1
My First Stop Motion Video
Myrtle Beach Video
More June Photos
I got some buckets and we decorated them with stickers.
These are the pictures of "cake" patties we decorated for Loran. Loran is turning 13 (not in real life. :)) in July. So my dolls and I made her one layer pretened cakes and a 3 layer "real" cake made from Crayola MODEL MAGIC and Styrofome. We covered the "cake" with the Model Magic. For the "pretend" cake we used like 3" diameter circles or something like that. They were small but not too small.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. :D
~Love, Lily
I got an American Girl Doll Craft kit. Inside is a bunch of stuff including Cork board for the bulleting board that you can make. It has most of the stuff for each of the crafts. It doesn't have the ribbon though for the bulletin boards. More descriptions are on the JUNE Page for this year (2009). After this year, I will be able to put them on my blog or e-mail them to anyone who would like what is in the kit.
Here are the pictures. ~Lily
Hi! As I just said on TWITTER (link), I haven't put the pix from the camping trip on this page yet. They will always be on this page even when 2009 is over. When 2009 is over they will not be on the MONTHLY pages anymore. I will be saving space this way in the long run.
Below are the pictures from March and April. I didn't have many from April so I just combined them onto one page.
I just thought of the Photography from Liz's Site. I have some pictures from LAST SUMMER that I think I will post to brighten us up into the SUMMER~ I hope you enjoy them. They are truly taken outside. Your doll can go out for whatever when it isn't "WATERING" outside. I will have to try what Liz does with the Trick Photography, because I'll tell you... that probably hurt my Mom's Back carrying Rachel and Loran down the trails~
I hope you enjoy~
HI! Here are the Late December and January Pictures! Most of these are from Late December! I will try to take a few January ones so that I can have a few to share with you at the end of them month! Next month is Amber's turn to upload and share her Pictures from February. I really hope that you enjoy the pictures we have. We will have more next month. We will have a ton from Spring Break and even more from the Summer. You'll notice when I remember to bring my camera places; I have more pictures than when I leave it sitting on the table when I go to Amber's house J
I can't seem to figure out how to insert the emoticon from Microsoft WORD 2003 and still be able to type "normally" without typing in some kind of Symbols. I think I will have to insert the emoticons at the end J
Top Left: Lily's Dolls at home
Top Right: Lily and Amber's dolls at Amber's house
Bottom Left: Amber's doll Claire and her French Braid
Bottom Right: Lily's doll Marisol (2005 AG of year) in B&W
I had to go under "Menu and then I had to go to the "Squiggly" paint brush. I don't know what you would have to do but I have a CoolPix S210.
Here are my Pictures from January. I have made my dolls a bedroom out of the TRI FOLDING POSTER BOARDS that you can buy at WAL MART. I just used Wall Paper Borders and I also used some Foamy letters, and Contact Paper (the decoritive ones). The chair/ bed I got at American Girl Place in Chicago is best for Rachel who is in a wheel chair! She can relax while she reads 2 ways this way! I took a picture that was side ways, but when I flipped it, it saved J
Here are the pictures of the MyTwinn Bedroom my mom made me. She did it the same way as the AG Bedroom! I will upload them... when I take them. I forgot that I hadn't taken them yet~
Left to Right:
Loran, and Jabrai