Hey Girls,
Please help me out with this petition. Read below for details big and small.
What is the Goal:
Please sign this petition if you believe that American Girl needs an Asian Historical Doll. They have all the races but Asian. I am hoping for 25 signatures by the end of 2011. Please explain why you would like an Asian doll in your comment. You can email questions to [email protected]
Here is the whole story:
Aku , and I have met on Sarah’s web page, and noticed that American Girl has every race, but Asian. Kaya is Native American (or Indian American), Kirsten, was Swedish, Josefina was Hispanic, Rebecca, is Russian, and Molly, Kit, and Julie, and Felicity are all European. I know that Kirsten is no longer around, but there WAS a Swedish doll. There WAS, an Irish doll too
The Last Petition:
You may remember that last September I sent a petition to American Girl about clothing for Ivy. So far nothing… Well they told me that “they didn’t feel 1970s were a good time that China impacted us…”, and that “if we come out with a new doll, it would be during the Gold Rush, or the Trans Continental Railroad period…”… American Girl has since retired Kirsten (1854), but they didn’t come out with any new doll this year. Remember how right after they retired Samantha Rebecca came out?
How YOU can help:
I would like YOUR help in this project. I already have a letter ready to go to American Girl, that was originally was a school project, but I would like to send it to them. I would like if I could get some petition signers to sign another petition, although this one would be for a new Historical Asian doll.
If you have questions, feel free to email me at [email protected], or submit your question(s), or concern(s) on my “Contact Lily” page
(last page).
~Lily :)