Wow:) It really has been 14 days since I have posted on this webpage? What a long time:) OK!! I have been really busy because I had a dance competition this past weekend. I posted my regualar S&TW on my blog, but realized today that I had posted the same subject:( I will have to make a "Show and Tell Wednesday Week 22 A", next week and a week 23. (or I might make the S&TW Wk 22A this weekend:))
I did really good a the dance competition. I was 0.2 points away from a platinum on my solo!! AmAzInG! That is best I have ever done. I got gold on my 4 group dances. I don't know what the score is because I haven't had dance yet. (I found out my solo because my dance teacher texted it to me:)) Have a good day!! :) Lily =) PS: Look for a Weekends Show it All this weekend. I didn't do one last weekend because I wasn't home much. Wow=) I have only 10 days until my dance competition, and next week are the OAA (Ohio Achievement Assesment=)) YIKES=) lol. oh well. I may not be posting that much next week=)
I don't know if you know this but on my blog I have said that I am going to start something called Weekends Show it All=) Basically I will do a photo story on this site (because I do S&TW on the blog) every weekend that I am home and not busy. I will start this weekend.
I will plan something for every weekend but if gardening (I hate it but....), or other yard work, or soemthing else comes up I will have to push it back. So I am not promising something every weekend but I will try my best to do it pretty much every weekend. Did you enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt Photo Story? I hope you did because I think it is a very good Photo Story. I have to go eat breakfast because I am doing my first Alto Sax Lesson, but I PROMISE to do something for Weekends Show it All later today or tomorrow at the latest;) Have a good Weekend!!! !Lily and the dolls ;) I CAN"T BELIEVE IT... IT"S APRIL( which means rain soon!)
So as many of you may know we were without internet for this whole week. I was using the computer at my mom's work but now WE HAVE INTERNET! So I mainly wanted to write this post to let all of you know that 5 of my dolls are going on an Egg Hunt tomorrow. This is for Easter but if you don't celebrate Easter that is fine. This is also to celebrate SPRING=) I should have the photos up by Sunday or Monday. I go back to school Tuesday so I would like to have them up before then along with my San Francisco videos which may have to wait until next weekend. I should have the first one up by Monday afternoon/ evening though! This is motivating me to actually change my dolls into spring clothing. My dolls have been living the warm weather with no A/C (it is actually like 85* F (ok there is no degress sign on on the keyboard and this isn't word). Since I have 20 I really take a long time to change them. I hope that all of you who celebrate Easter have a good Easter and those who don't, enjoy your spring breaks that are coming up soon. (And you Easter vacation. Even if you don't celebrate it is still a vacation=)) With Love, !Lily and the dolls |
About Me!My name is Lily and I am a 13 year old girl in the 8th grade:) Please take time to read my posts. Anything in red is a link. I will colorize something if it is something you really should read because then you can just jump straight to that! Archives
December 2010