I would like to try to make the video (i.e., take the photos etc) over Spring Break and have it on the web my April 11/12 (Saturday or Sunday) .
I am considering doing another Stop Motion Animation Video (SMAV) again. I would like your imput as to who I would use, what would it be a video of, how long should it be, what setting would I use. I will try to make a survey some how maybe on a survey making site or something, and then put it onto my blog. You are welcome post a comment with your opinion either on this site or on my blog. You can also email me at [email protected]. Please summit your suggestions by March 25th, 2010. Thank you.
I would like to try to make the video (i.e., take the photos etc) over Spring Break and have it on the web my April 11/12 (Saturday or Sunday) .
I uploaded all of my videos last night and started to edit them. I have 4-5 that I did that are all going to be uploaded to the web, but so far 2 of them are up=) I uploaded Pros and Cons of Blogger (How to Use!) and Pros and Cons of Weebly (How to Use!) to YouTube and this site.
Also as you can see in the title- it is a new month=) I haven't posted on this site since January=) I have been really busy. On Friday we had an early release from school because of the snow. From what I hear though the school wanted to get us in through lunch so they could count it as a day. I am not sure how much of it wasn't "planned"... I will be doing a Show and Tell Wed. this week and appologize for being late with it last week! I didn't get home from dance until late and forgot to do it. If you would like to see what has been happening lately please check out my twitter. I often update that even when I don't have time to get onto Weebly and write a post. I have to go empty my laundry baskets (from last week) so my mom can put my laundry into baskets so I will try to post later. =) Lily Hi:-) Well it is almost time for me to go to dance but I thought I would make this quick post :-)
So I posted a Show and Tell Wed. yesterday so be sure to check it out. I have to go but I will try to post again... maybe tonight or tomorrow!?!! There should be a new video on Saturday... -Lily Thanks for all of your supportive comments. There will be a give away soon... More details to come. Hi! I am making a video that shows how to use Blogger and one to show how to use Weebly.
I was going to make them 2 in 1 but then I thought it would be 2 long. I just did the video recording today and I hope to get them up this weekend or next. I am going to go do my Homework now and then work on some other videos later this weekend (tomorrow). I am going to Caitlin's birthday party today. She is the girl who did the Care Tips for your Doll video with me:) Wish me luck that I do okay bowling and don't get hurt!! -Lily Hi Girls! For some reason the font will not get bigger. I will have to figure that out another time=) (fixed it at 8:30 PM! I know it isn't quite 2010 but I think it is close enough;)
I uploaded a new video to my video section of my site. Please check it out. You can also find it on YouTube if you search agpixplace. All of my videos will have agpixplace- in front of the video title. Please leave me a comment because I would love to hear from you=) Have a Good Day, -Lily |
About Me!My name is Lily and I am a 13 year old girl in the 8th grade:) Please take time to read my posts. Anything in red is a link. I will colorize something if it is something you really should read because then you can just jump straight to that! Archives
December 2010