Also as you can see in the title- it is a new month=) I haven't posted on this site since January=) I have been really busy.
On Friday we had an early release from school because of the snow. From what I hear though the school wanted to get us in through lunch so they could count it as a day. I am not sure how much of it wasn't "planned"...
I will be doing a Show and Tell Wed. this week and appologize for being late with it last week! I didn't get home from dance until late and forgot to do it.
If you would like to see what has been happening lately please check out my twitter. I often update that even when I don't have time to get onto Weebly and write a post.
I have to go empty my laundry baskets (from last week) so my mom can put my laundry into baskets so I will try to post later.
=) Lily