I really am trying to make this site AG friendly. By this I mean, have more links (believe me I have so many more to put on here!), have more photos. I know this is what you like, and I am trying to post more, I just need the time, and hopefully in the spring, summer, and next year I will have that time. But I hear High School gives lots of Homework... so we'll have to see. I will try to post photos more often though really. :) I also am going to try to start up Show and Tell Wednesday again. I know I said on my blog, I was going to try to do it before break, but I will aim for January (maybe not every week though...). :)
Give me time, and I promise, we will make this work together. :) I will set up another survey for you to take, and I will use those results to help me do my page (or I will try). Remember I value your comments. Please email them to [email protected], comment, sign my Guest Book, or submit them through Contact Lily.
I will take any comments as long as they are nice. You can say you don't like the page nicely...
I figured out how to auto. make the font size larger, I thought I had already done that, and it didn't work, but maybe I didn't hit save. :)
January 1st, this page and Photos: 2010, will move into Archived Photos and Posts page. (It will be a subpage so you will have to hover over "Archived Photos and Posts".) There will be a Photos: 2011 and P
I will set up that survey tonight or tomorrow. It is kind of late I know, but its winter break.
-Lily :)