Today for camp, we went to the Pine County Fair. :) It was so cool to be able to see other dolls, that people collect. :) They are I think the breakable kind though... We also had breakfast there, as well as check out the 2 barns with goats, cows, bunny rabbits, and chickens. It was so cool to be able to see those things since Kanani, Jess and I are all in 4H! We do sewing. It is so much fun. :0
There were probably like 12 bunny rabbits, and 24 chickens. There was even a hen and her 4 babies. It was too cute. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to be able to get some photos the rabbits, and some of the other exhibits, as well as the hen and her 4 chicks. :) (It reminded me of Liz, and Kit's Baby Chick Farm tour in 2009.)
Below are some of the photos I took. Tomorrow Jess is posting about our nature hike! I think Kanani is posting her pictures from the Pine County Fair. :)... they are mostly chickens and rabbits, and a few tractors (don't ask me why she took photos of tractors!).
I hope you enjoy the photos,