Welcome to Old and Recently Found Photos Week II! I have found in an old photo album a photo of me and 3 of my dolls in our American Girl Club t-shirts! For the many people who don't know what the American Girl Club was, it was a great club unfortunately closed in (I believe...) 2007. I was a lucky person to be a part of the great club, and I made new friends, who unfortunately I wasn't able to keep in touch with. We could post anything (almost) we wanted... and we didn't have to choose messages. We kind of had email like on InnerStar U, but it just wasn't the same.
I will have to do a post on that.
I would have more (and did) but I edited my draft, and accidently hit DELETE POST instead of Publish. Awwwwwwwwwwwww!! Sorry about that.
Ok- here is the photo, and enjoy your week,
PS: This is a non digital photo that I scanned in... so it isn't in the best resolution!